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Now downloading free:Keithley STEP1 252C2 500RevA DocSpec

Keithley STEP1 252C2 500RevA DocSpec free download

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File name:STEP1_252C2_500RevA_DocSpec.pdf
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Model:STEP1 252C2 500RevA DocSpec 🔎
Original:STEP1 252C2 500RevA DocSpec 🔎
Descr: Keithley 500 STEP1_252C2_500RevA_DocSpec.pdf
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STEP1 and STEP2 Specifications Configuration: One STEI'l required to drive 1 to 4 STEP2 Modules Channels: One motor channel per STEP2 module STEP2 Outputs: LS TTL compatible, high true Output High: 0.4mA source @ 2.7V min. Output Low: 4mA sink @ 0.W max. Output Signals: four; CW/=, ccwl~, pulse and pulse rulse Signal Duration: 50% duty cycle STEP2 Limit Input: LS 1TL compatible, low true or switch closure to ground (internal pull-up resistor provided) Input High: 3.2V min. Input Low: 0.4mA @ 0.9V max. Signal Duration: >jOns Slew Rate: 1 to 65,535 steps per second maximum in lsps increments, software programmable Speed Accuracy: 0.01% of full scale frequency -D Positioning Modes: c Absolute: 65,535 positions Relative: f65.535 steps Positioning Speed: 16,OOOsps maximum, soft,.vare programmable Ramp Rates: 15 rates, software selectable from 4,096sps' to 32,768' STEI'Y on-board Microprocessor: 68809 8116bit Command Buffer Size: approx. 66 commands per motor (233 bytes) Commands: 14high level commands callable from BASIC and fully inte- grated with Keithley's SOETSM)extended BASIC measurement and control software. / E LTR REVISIONS 1 APP. 1OATE ORN.`fl OATEd-25s (D Keith@ Instruments Inc. I,G%L./IYA,G I k\ 1~5% CKD. ti5 DATEI+& Cleveland, Ohio 44139 I I I / APP. ' DATE I I I I I SPECIFICATIn"`c "I\12 -. -- -. -. --- A

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