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Now downloading free:xerox Xerox 850 860 Brochure 1980

xerox Xerox 850 860 Brochure 1980 free download

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File name:Xerox_850_860_Brochure_1980.pdf
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Model:Xerox 850 860 Brochure 1980 🔎
Original:Xerox 850 860 Brochure 1980 🔎
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XEROX When interrupted for a priority document, When used in conjunction with your Xerox 850 Page Display System, the Xerox 850 ribbon changing or other reasons, work in Specifications Automatic Paper Feeder provides an process will resume at the correct point size and Weight extra measure of speed and efficiency without operator attention. Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12" which will increase productiyity and de- Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19' The APF features acoustic noise sup- Depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18" crease turnaround time in your office. pression to ensure quiet operation, allow- Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Ibs. The Automatic Paper Feeder provides ing personnel in the area to work without Space: APF and Printer fit into a 24" paper to the printer-smoothly, steadily, distraction. Whenever the APF needs at- deep work space. one sheet at a time-up to 200 pages tention, both the 850 display screen and without operator intervention. Various an audible signal will alert the operator. Paper Specifications paper sizes, weights and finishes can be The APF is light and compact for quick Tray Capacity . . ,200 sheets of 20 Ib. easily loaded into your APE The APF also removal and replacement by the bond paper or 0.8" collates printed pages into the desired operator. total stack thickness final order. Paper . . . . . .18,20 or 24 Ib. paper Convenience and ease of operation are 7" x 7" minimum to The APF provides additional benefits key attributes of this cost-effective 850 8Y2" ~ 1 4 maximum, " when used with the Xerox 850 Shared Page Display accessory. portrait or landscape Printer Interface since one printer Your Xerox Office Systems Representa- orientation equipped with an APF can serve as tive will explain how simply a Xerox 850 many as three Xerox 850 Page Display Automatic Paper Feeder can be installed Systems. on your 850 Page Display System. It's a The APFwill adjust margins and tabs, and labor-saving convenien

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