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IBM C24-3259-3 1401 diskAutocod free download

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File Number GENL-22 Form C24-3259-3 System!:; Reference Library Autocoder (on Disk) Program Specifications and Operating Procedures IBt" 140'1, 1440, and 1460 Program Number 1401-AU-00B This reference publication contains the program speci- fications and operating procedures for the Autocoder (on Disk) Programming System. The specifications describe the two programs, Sys- tem Control and Autocoder Assembler, that make up the Autocoder System. Logical files defined and used by the System, control cards, and results of processing operations are also included. The operating procedures is divided into two sec- tions. The first section describes assembling and exe- cuting object programs, changing logical-file assign- ments, maintaining an Autocoder library, and revising an object program. The second section describes build- ing and updating an Autocoder System. A summary of control card formats, phase descrip- tions, and a listing of a sample program make up the appendix of this publication. For a list of other publications and abstracts, see the IBM Bibliography for the associated data processing system. Preface This publication contains the program specifications jobs. The last part of the section outlines the proce- and operating procedures for the Autocoder (on disk) dures to follow in building an Autocoder System. For programming system for IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460. In the convenience of both programmer and machine op- this publication, the term Autocoder System or System erator, all control cards are summarized in Appendix 1. refers to 1401/1440/1460 Autocoder (on Disk), program Although the second section is directed primarily to number 1401-AU-008. The language specifications for the machine operator, it is recommended that the pro- the Autocoder System are contained in the Systems grammer review the content of the complete section. Reference Library publication Autocoder (on Disk) The programmer should particularly note the parts of Language Specifications for IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460, the section dealing with preparing processor jobs and Form C24-3258. changing file assignments. This publication is divided into two major sections: Related Information program specifications and operating procedures. The program specifications describe the Autocoder System. The following Systems Reference Library publications Included in the section are such topics as a description contain additional information relating to the use of of the System Control Program (the controlling element the Autocoder System. It is recommended that these of the Autocoder System), a description of the proces- publications be available to the user for reference. sors in

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