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Now downloading free:Keithley S530wKTE v5.3Flyer

Keithley S530wKTE v5.3Flyer free download

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Descr: Keithley SCS S530 S530wKTE v5.3Flyer.pdf
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w w w. k e i t h l e y. c o m | 1.888.534.8453 S530 Parametric Test Systems with KTE-- Quick and Seamless Integration with Your Existing S400 and S600 Systems The proven performance of KTE is now integrated with our newest, most cost-effective parametric test system. n Expand your fab's process control monitoring capacity or replace If you're using Keithley Series S400 and/or S600 systems already, KTE V5.3 older systems efficiently and economically makes integrating S530s into your test floor quick and simple: n Enjoy the same fast, flexible test plan development and execution n High platform-to-platform compatibility lets you use the same KTE provides for hundreds of facilities around the world on your test recipes and test plans for all your Keithley automated new test systems parametric test systems. That not only shortens the learning curve n Eliminate the need for retraining for existing KTE users for your test engineers and operators working with multiple systems but offers a smooth migration path to protect your test development n Discover what KTE's proven power and flexibility investment when adding new high speed systems to your test floor or offer new users replacing older ones. n Port existing measurement libraries to the S530 and adjust n The commands used in the KTE linear parametric test library (LPTLIB) easily for measurement correlation and parametric test library (PARLIB) are compatible with all three n Use identical test recipes, plans, and other test files across test platforms. S400, S600, and S530 test systems n You can continue working with the familiar user libraries n Save time and money by reusing your User Access Point (UAP) code you've developed for Series S400/S600 systems over the years after n Linux OS and standard industrial PC provide stability and ease recompiling and rebuilding them for use with the S530. Typically, only of maintenance minimal debugging is required. Keithley Series S400 and Series S600 system users, we've migrated n KTE V5.3 simplifies creating new UAP source code for conditional our popular Keithley Test Environment (KTE) to our new Series S530 test sequencing and customizing the flow of your system operation. parametric test systems, our fastest, most cost-effective line of process Simply reuse UAP source code from your S400 or S600, and apply it to control monitoring solutions. Now, you can configure

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