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Now downloading free:IBM 198401 08 Service Offering Prices

IBM 198401 08 Service Offering Prices free download

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- --- - ---- -- - - -~- - Do not reproduce without written permission SO/Pr.1 Jan 84 .::.::: :S~5: ISG SERVICE OFFERING PRICES INTRODUCTION The Service Offering section is used to present various lists related to offerings of a general nature or to a limited set of machines. The individual lists are distinct and may be totally unrelated to each other. ORGANIZATION The lists included in the service offering section are: Engineering Services - Systems Engineering (SE), Customer Service Division (CSD), Field Engineering (FE) Hourly IBM Machine Service Rates Local Programming Support for System Control Programming The Engineering Services list contains the hourly time and material rates for each service class. The class for each machine type is found in the Hardware Terms and Conditions list in the "T & M" column. The list also contains the hourly billing rates for Systems Engineering Services and the hourly rates for FE/CSD Program Service and Program Assistance. The Hourly IBM Machine Service Rates list provides the standard rate for customer use of equipment in IBM facilities. The Local Programming Support for Systems Control Programming list contains prices for various levels of support. LEGEND Each list is self-contained and self-explanatory. Any codes or acronyms used are explained in the lists. (Reverse side is blank) -.-... - - Do not reproduce without written permission SO/Pr.3 !.;.; :S~5: ISG SERVICE OFFERING PRICES Jan 84 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING SERVICES RATE: $85.00 per hour FED/CSD HOURLY (PER CALL) SERVICE RATES (-------------T&M Codes on Terms and Condition List------------) Service Hours: 1 2 3 # * Regular $109.00 $125.00 $147.00 $74.00 $93.00 Outside Regular 126.00 147.00 170.00 85.00 107.00 where "#" is baseline, and "*" is non-baseline Note: All non-baseline (T&M code *) prices are 25% higher in Alaska. Service Hours: Program Service/Programming Assistance Rates Regular $158.00 Outside Regular 181.00 CUSTOMER SET-UP PROCEDURES During Outside IBM

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