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Now downloading free:Keithley MC14094BCP

Keithley MC14094BCP free download

Mother board, main board pcb info and schematics

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Descr: Keithley 2001 ds MC14094BCP.pdf
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MC14094B 8-Stage Shift/Store Register with Three-State Outputs The MC14094B combines an 8-stage shift register with a data latch for each stage and a 3-state output from each latch. Data is shifted on the positive clock transition and is shifted from the seventh stage to two serial outputs. The QS output data is for use in high-speed cascaded systems. The QS output data is shifted on the following negative clock transition for use in low-speed cascaded MARKING DIAGRAMS systems. Data from each stage of the shift register is latched on the negative 16 PDIP-16 transition of the strobe input. Data propagates through the latch while MC14094BCP P SUFFIX strobe is high. CASE 648 AWLYYWWG Outputs of the eight data latches are controlled by 3-state buffers 1 which are placed in the high-impedance state by a logic Low on Output Enable. 16 SOIC-16 14094BG Features D SUFFIX AWLYWW

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