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Now downloading free:IBM 1401-UT-026 TapeToPrntrPgm

IBM 1401-UT-026 TapeToPrntrPgm free download

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Tape To Printer Program 1401-UT-026 Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road White Plains, New York 10601 WH 9-1900 (Code 914) International Business Machines Corporation December 13, 1961 Memorandum to: Users of 1401 Tape-to-Printer Utility Program Subject: 1401 Tape-to-Printer Utility Program, Program 1# 1401-UT-026, Version 3, Modification Level 0 This letter transmits the 1401 Tape-to-Printer Utility Program and as sociated material. Abstract for 1401 Tape-to-Printer Purpose: The 1401 Tape-to-Printer Utility Program provides the means whereby tapes of many configurations may be printed in many configurations under the control of a series of. parameters punched into control cards. Specifically, simulation of 717 and 720 printers is provided. However, the program additionally allows sequence checking, exception procedures, heading lines, page numbering, field selection, file selection and other features. Use of Program: The parameter s which specify a particular configuration of tape and printed output are punched into a series of control cards. These cards are inserted into the program deck which is then loaded and the tape is printed. Machine Configuration The minimum 1401 machine configuration which is needed by this program is as follow s: - 2 - 1 G 4000 positions of core storage 2. High-Low-Equal Compare 3. IBM 1403 Printer, Model 2 4. One IBM 729 II, IV, V, VI or 7330 Tape Unit 5. IB M 1402 Card Read-Punch (a system tape may be produced, which allow s runs without this item) In accordance with the program request you submitted, the Basic Program Material being forwarded is: 1. The program deck which is sequentially numbered in columns 78-80 and which contains a "3" in column 77. 2.. The documentation of 1401 Tape-to-Printer including flow charts, a symbolic listing of the program and a listing of the program deck. The Optional Program Material, being forwarded only if requested, is the symbolic source deck of the 1401 Tape-to-Printer Program. The following information will be helpful in implementing this system: 1. IBM 14

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