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Now downloading free:IBM GA24-3557-3 IBM 370 Model 145 Functional Characteristics Aug72

IBM GA24-3557-3 IBM 370 Model 145 Functional Characteristics Aug72 free download

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File name GA24-3557-3_IBM_370_Model_145_Functional_Characteristics_Aug72.pdf

GA24-3557-3 IBM System/370 Model 145 Systems Functional Characteristics Preface This reference publication is intended for system analysts System/370 Extended Control--A description of the fol- and programmers who require information about system lowing System/370 features: the Extended Control features, CPU and input/output characteristics, timings, feature, including a description of the extended control machine instructions, and the functions of integrated and PSW, Store Status, Program Event Recording, Dynamic attachable I/O devices. Address Translation, Channel Indirect Data Address, and Clock Comparator and CPU Timer. The reader is assumed to have a working knowledge of the IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000, and to have had programming experience with other Integrated File Adapter - Description and characteristics of System/360 or System/370 models. the disk-storage facility that are recommended for primary System operating information is contained in the program and data residence. Operator's Library: IBM System/370 Model 145 Operating Input/Output Channel Characteristics - Information about Procedures, GC38-001 5. the byte-multiplexer, selector, and block-multiplexer This manual is divided into sections to assist you in channels. locating a particular topic. Introduction-General overview of System/370 Model 145, 1401/1460, 1440 Emulation Feature and 1401/1460, 1440, including discussions of CPU components, and a brief and 1410/7010 Emulation Feature - Descriptions of these description of integrated attachments and I/O channels. features, including the relationship to the required Console File-Functions of this microprogram-loading Emulator Programs. device. Console Printer-Keyboard--Programming and configuration information for the printer-keyboard units. Timings - Detailed timings for internal CPU functions (instruction execution), the printer-keyboard, the byte- Features Descriptions - A description of major system multiplexer channel, the selector channels, the block- features such as OS/DOS Compatibility, the Interval multiplexer channels, and the integrated file adapter. Timer, the Time-of-Day Clock, and the Integrated CPU Configurator and System Features - A list of standard Storage Control. and available features, feature dependencies, etc

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