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Now downloading free:Keithley 2649 Test Bench Today

Keithley 2649 Test Bench Today free download

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A G R E AT E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E Another integrated feature is some type of source unit. In the past, test engineers had to link power supplies and/or signal genera- tors together with a measuring instrument, such as a DMM. Now, there are single units available that both provide source signals and can measure and record results. Some of these instruments have two or more channels for even greater density and flexibility. Along with increased integration comes The Test Bench Today the demand for more specialized instru- ments. For instance, some oscilloscopes feature specialized interfaces for testing newly emerging serial buses. On the other What designers and test engineers hand, some cutting-edge applications de- need from a test-bench instrument mand entirely new tools and features. The field of nanotechnology research and devel- opment demands instruments that can meas- ure extremely small quantities in the range Dale Cigoy, Keithley Instruments, Inc. of nanovolts and below, accurately and re-

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