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Now downloading free:IBM C28-6615-1 algolLang Apr67

IBM C28-6615-1 algolLang Apr67 free download

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File No. S360-26 Form C2S-6615-1 OS Systems Referen.ce Library IBM System/360 Operating Bystem ALGOL Language This publication provides the programm~~r with the information needed to use the IBM System/360 Operating System ALGOL compiler for the solution of scientific and technical problems. ALGOL has been introduced in a number of universities and technical institutes for communication and education purposes. To assist that particular area, the OS/360 ALGOL Compiler is intended to provide a bridge to System /360 for existing ALGOL users. A basic knowledge of the ALGOL language is assumed. This publication consists of two main parts. The first (section 1 to 5)describes the elements of the ALGOL language, the second (section 6) describes the input/output procedures to be called when llsing ALGOL. PREFACE This publication is based on: 1. the "Revised Report on the Algorithmic language ALGOL 60", published originally in the Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, volume 6 (1963), page 1, in the Computer Journal, volume 5, number 4 (1963), page 349, and in the Numerische Mathematik, volume 4 (1963), page 420," (some comments in the paper "A list of the remaining trouble spots in ALGOL 60" by D. E. Knuth, published in the ALGOL Bulletin 19 (1965), page 29, were taken into consideration). 2. the "Report on Input-Output Procedures for ALGOL 60", published originally in the Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, volume 7 (1964), page 628; in the ALGO L Bulletin , number 16, page 9, and in the Numerische Mathematik, volume 6 (1964), page 459. Additional information on using the System/360 Operating System ALGOL compiler is given in IBM System/360 Operating System: ALGOL Programmer"s Guide. (Form C33-4000) Second Edition (April 1967) This publication is a major revision of C28-6615-0. Significant changes or additions to the speCifications contained in this publication will be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's comments. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corpora- tion, Department 813, 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N. Y. 10601, or IBM Nordic Laboratory, Technical Communications, Vesslevagen 3, Lidingo, Sweden. International Business Machines Corporation, 1966, 1967 A form for readers comments appears at the back of this publication.

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