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Now downloading free:IBM J24-1434-2 autocoderSpec 61

IBM J24-1434-2 autocoderSpec 61 free download

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IBM 1401 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM BULLETIN AUTOCODER SPECIFICATIONS Applied Program No. 1401-AU-037 This edition, J24-1434-2, is a major revision and obsoletes both J24-1434-1 and Technical Newsletter N24-0022. Autocoder is an advanced symbolic programming sys- Machine Requirements tem for the IBM 1401 Data Processing System. It sup- The Autocoder processor can assemble programs for plements and extends, but does not replace, the 1401 all IB~f 1401 systems. However, the machine used to Symbolic Programming System, SPS. assemble a program written in Autocoder language A more powerful language, the IBM 1401 Autocoder must have at least: includes macro-instructions, provides a free-form cod- 4,000 positions of core storage ing sheet for greater programming flexibility, and re- FOUR IBM 729 II, 729 IV or 7330 :Magnetic Tape Units duces card handling by using magnetic tape for pro- (NOTE: A fifth magnetic tape unit can be used for gram manipulation during assembly. The Autocoder delayed multiple program output. ) IBM 1403 Printer, Model 2 processor can assemble programs designed to operate IBM 1402 Card Read-Punch on IBM 1401 systems with a maximum storage capacity of 16,000 positions. Advanced Programming Features High-Low-Equal Compare Feature With Autocoder, the user can provide library rou- Sense Switches (Not required for original assembly tines for operations that are common to many source from a source program card deck, but necessary for programs. These routines are extracted from the li- all other Autocoder operations.) brary and tailored automatically by the processor to This bulletin contains the language specifications for satisfy particular requirements outlined in the source the IBM 1401 Autocoder. The system card deck contain- program by the programmer. .. ing the processor itself, a listing of the processor pro- gram, and operating instructions for program assembly are available from the IBM Program Library.

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