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IBM C28-6503-6 basicPgmgSupport Aug67 free download

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File Number 8360-20 Form C28-6503-6 BPS Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Basic Programminlg Support Basic Assembler and Basic Utility Programs (Card) Specifications and Operating Guide This reference publication is arranged in six major sections to describe these programs: Program Number Basic Assembler 360P-AS-021 Absolute Loader 360P-UT-017 Input/Output Support Package 360P-UT-018 Dump Program 360P-UT-019 Relocating Loader 360P-UT-020 ,The first section provides a description of the Basic Assembler language and the Basic Assembler program. Features concerned with the planning and writing of source programs are emphasized. The functions and possible modifications of each of the basic utility programs are described in the next major section. Also included is a discussion of program segment relocation and linkage. The input to and output from the Basic Assembler program and procedures for running assembly jobs are described in the third major section. rhe operating procedures for the utility programs are presented in the fourth major section. Program waits and operator messages appear in the fifth major section, followed by a sample problem in the last major sect.ion. Th~reader should be familiar with the material in the IBM System/36 0 Principles of Operation, Form A22-6821. The titles and abstracts of related publications are listed in the IBM Sys1:em/360 Bibliography, Form A22-6822. Some functions described in this manual require the use of an absolute address. Users of these programs can obtain the appropriate absolute address by referring to the writeup, supplied with the Program Material List,. entitled "Attachment 1 - Special Information. " PREFACE Basic Assembler Language is a symbolic 2) of the contents of the registers and/or programming language for the IBM storage areas defined by the user's Systern/360. Basic Assembler Program program. The Absolute and Relocating translates source programs (symbolic Loaders load assembled programs (from cards language) into machine-language programs. or tape) into storage for execution. The first section of this manual contains all information required for writing IBM Systern/360 programs. This includes the A program wait (fifth section) occurs rules for writing source statements, a whenever the Basic Assembler or basic description of assembler instructions, and utility programs must communicate with the a list of machine instructions represented operator. A program wait is indicated by in the language.

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