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Now downloading free:IBM GC20-1619-8 EPL supl Dec70

IBM GC20-1619-8 EPL supl Dec70 free download

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) ) ) _.---- - - --- --:==~-- - -- - - - - - --- - - REPLACEMENT PAGE Type IV - --- _.- Customer contributed programs are valuable aids to the programming and systems community supplied by members of customer organizations EPL December 31st, 1970 and individual users of IBM Data Processing Systems. IBM serves solely as the distribution agent for Type III and Type IV programs. EPL SUPPLEMENT to CATALOG of PROGRAMS This library has been closed by December 31st 1969. for IBM 360 Systems No new entries are accepted. This supplement to the Catalog contains a complete listing of all HOW TO ORDER PROGRAMS programs Type III and IV (national or international) contributed to the European Program Library for the IBM 360 systems. The only method by which an EPL Member can order program material It obsoletes the previous edition of this Supplement. from EPL is by filling in and handing to his IBM Representative an EPL Program Order Form stating which items he wishes to receive. This Supplement contains the following sections : STANDARDS FOR PROGRAM CONTRIBUTIONS TO EPL 1 - Introduction and instructions on how to use the Supplement and order the programs. 1. National Type III and Type IV (N) 2 - A list of programs contributed since the previous edition EPL accepted only contribution of programs supported with (if applicable). documentation written in a language other than English and concerning local or specific situation problems. 3 - A list of corrections and revisions since the previous edition (if applicable). 2. International Type III - (I) 4

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