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Now downloading free:IBM 198401 01 Product Summary Machines

IBM 198401 01 Product Summary Machines free download

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--- - ----- - ---- Do not reproduce without written permission PS M.1 Jan 84 =- - :S~E: ISG PRODUCT SUMMARY - MACHINES Major Revision This section lists the machine title as shown in the Machines pages and text included under "Purpose". 29 CARD PUNCH 1419 MAGNETIC CHARACTER READER Punches coded data into cards serially by manual operation of the Reads magnetically inscribed data from card and paJler documents into keyboard. For independent operation only. a 1401, 1410, 1460, System/3 model 12 or 15, S/360 model 22,25, 30, 40, 50, 65, 67, any S/370 processor (except 3081, 3083 or 3084), 59 CARD VERIFIER or a 4300 Processor. Can be used for offline sorting. Used to verify alphabetic, numeric, and special character punching in 1442 CARD READ PUNCH MDLS 1,2, N1 cards. A combination punched card I/O unit for a 1240, 1440, 1450, S/360 83 SORTER model 22 through 85 and 195, any S/370 processor (except 3081, To group punched cards in numerical or alphabetic sequence. 3083 or 3084), and 4300 Processor. 129 CARD DATA RECORDER 1442 CARD PUNCH MOL N2 Used to punch or verify alphabetic, numeric and special character data Punched card output unit for a S/360 model 22 through 75, any S/370 in cards by manual keyboard operation, and print if desired. processor (except 3081, 3083 or 3084), or 4300 Processor ... punches cards at a rated speed of 160 columns/second. 357 INPUT STATION 2314 DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE FACILITY - MOL 1 Badge and/or serial c~rd reader input unit for a 357 Data Collection System. Large capacity high-speed direct access storage and control for a S/360 mdl 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, 85, 195, or any S/370 processor except 358 INPUT CONTROL UNiT 3115,3125,3081,3083 or 3084. Links up to 20 357 I

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