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Now downloading free:IBM ZZ34-0001-0 Data Processing Systems Basic Concepts Mar73

IBM ZZ34-0001-0 Data Processing Systems Basic Concepts Mar73 free download

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==-= --- ----...- - ---- Data Processing Systems - - - - --- -.. -----_ - ------ ---- ... Basic Concepts Programmed Instruction I BM Internal' Use Only How To Use This Book This is an instructional book that is more comparable to a series of lectures than it is to a "textbook." (This book is not intended for use as a reference manual.) Study Chapter 1 first, then study Chapter 2, then Chapter 3, and so on. Do not skip sections or read chapters out of sequence. To gain maximum benefit from this book, study each chapter in the following way: Step A. Take pretest. 1. If you miss one or more pretest questions, continue by going to Step B. 2. If you answer all of the pretest questions correctly, skip the rest of the chapter and go to the pretest for the next chapter. Step B. Read descriptive material. Step C Take post-test. 1. If you miss one or more post-test questions, continue by going to Step D. 2. If you answer all of the post-test questions correctly, skip the rest of the chapter and go to the pretest for the next chapter. Step D. Read the programmed instruction sequenc1e. After you finish, start at Step A for the next chapter. Note: You may decide, after you have studied one or two chapters, to skip taking the pretest until after you have studied the material in a chapter. For example, you may first read the descriptive material and then take the post test. If you answer all post-test questions correctly, you can then skip to the next chapter. If you miss one or more post- test questions, however, read the programmed instruction sequence. Then you can take the pretest to assure yourself that you have learned the material. First Edition (March 1973) This pUblication is for IBM Internal Use Only. Comments concerning its contents can be sent to Systems Publications, Department 27T, Building 032-2, Boca Raton.

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