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Now downloading free:IBM C24-9007-5 360-20 diskIOCS Mar69

IBM C24-9007-5 360-20 diskIOCS Mar69 free download

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File name C24-9007-5_360-20_diskIOCS_Mar69.pdf

File Number S360(Mod.20)-30 Form C24-9007- 5, DPS Sys"tems Reference Library IBM System/360 Model 20 Disk Programming System Input/Output Control System This publication provides information required for using the Disk Programming System (DPS) Input/Output Control System (IOCS) for the IBM System/360 Model 20. The publication contains the following information: 1. General description of the various input and output functions provided by the IOCS. 2. Definition of the record formats proc@ssed by the IOCS. 3. Description of the relationship between overlapping operations and the specification of different Com- binations-of, I/O areas and work areas. 4. Introduction to the concepts of file organization and file processing. 5. Detailed descriptions of the IOCS imperative macro instructions and the file definition statements. The reader of this publication should be familiar with basic programming concepts and with the operating prinbiples of his system as described in the applicable ~RL publications. For a list of pertinent publica- ,tions, refer to the laM System/360 Model 20, Bibliogra- J2hy, Form A26-3565. r----------------------------------------------------------------------,I I ISixth Edition (March. 1969) I I I IThis is a major revision of, and obsoletes C24-9007-4. I I I IMost of the text has been reorganized and rewritten to make thel Ipublication easier to understand. These improvements are not marked. I I I IThe technical changes incorporated in the publication relate to thel lavailability of the IBM System/360 Model 20. Submodel 5. The sections I Iheaded "Monitor Macro Instructions W and wThe ATENT Routine w have beenl I added. These technical changes and additions are marked in thel Ifollowing way: Changes to the text, and small changes to illustrations I lare indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed orl ladded illustrations are denoted by the symbol

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