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Now downloading free:Keithley DIO1 500RevA DocSpec

Keithley DIO1 500RevA DocSpec free download

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0101 Dlgttal Input/Output bdulc SPECIFICATIONS Channels: 32, switch selectable in groups of 8 for input or output. Signal Connection: Quick disconnect screw terminal blocks, plus 40 pin receptacle for ribbon cable assembly. Input Characteristics: TTL-compatible. high true High level input current: 20uA Low level input current: -0.4mA Output Characteristics: TTL compatible, high true -b Drive capability: 10 TTL loads, 24mA sink at 0.5V. General: All inputs and outputs referenced to system ground. Accessories: Ribbons cable assembly, 6 foot, 40 conductor. One end mates with 40 pin receptacle on 0101. other end unterminated. TJD:cp TR REVISIONS APP. DATE IORN DATEswe Keithley Instruments Inc. 4 3-/-9d CKD. &?~UY.&s,%.:,/o5??7 DATE Cleveland, Ohio 44 139 ~~ IAPP. _._ DATE -...- I PARTNUMBER I I I \ SPECIFICATIONS SpEC-DIO 1

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