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Now downloading free:IBM GA26-1589-2 2835 Storage Control and 2305 Fixed Head Storage Module Aug71

IBM GA26-1589-2 2835 Storage Control and 2305 Fixed Head Storage Module Aug71 free download

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GA26-1589-2 Reference Manual for IBM 2835 Storage Control and IBM 2305 Fixed Head Systems Storage Module Preface The 2835 storage Control and 2305 Fixed Head Stor- A complete description of the switches and in- age Module form a large capacity, high -speed direct dicators is provided for systems installation oper- access storage facility for general purpose data ators. storage and system residence. It attaches to the Programmers should be familiar with the in- central processing unit through a block multiplexor formation contained in IBM System/360 Principles of channel, and operates under direct program control Operation, Order Number GA22-6821 and IBM Sys- of the CPU. tem/370 Principles of Operation Order Number For experienced programmers, this manual GA22-7000. Operators should be familiar with the provides readily-accessible reference material re- material presented in the system summary for the lated to channel command words, sens"e bytes, track parent system. Order numbers for system summary format, track capacities, and error recovery. and other related publications can be found in Less experienced programmers will find suf- IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography, ficient information to create channel programs to Order Number GA22-6822. best utilize the i standard and special features of the facility. Third Edition (August 1971) Significant changes or additions to the specifications contained in this publication are continually beirig made. Before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM equipment, contact the local IBM Branch for revisions. The illustrations in this manual have a code number in the lower corner. This is a publishing control number and is not related to the subject matter. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this pUblication. If the form has been removed, send your comments to the address below. This manual was prepared by the IBM Systems Development Division, Product Publications, Department G24, San Jose, California 95114. @ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1969 11 Contents 2305 FACILITY Seek Head

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