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Now downloading free:IBM GA22-6822-21 System 360 and System 370 Bibliography Sep74

IBM GA22-6822-21 System 360 and System 370 Bibliography Sep74 free download

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GA22-6822-21 File No. S360/S370-00 IBM System/360 and System/370 Systems Bibliography This bibliography lists and describes all technical publications on hardware, licensed programs, Types I-III programming, and other supplementary information needed by those who plan for, install, program, or operate the IBM System/370 or the IBM System/360 Model 22 and above. Titles, abstracts, order numbers, current status, subject codes, and graphic library charts are included. Publications supporting OS/VS1, OS/VS2, DOS/VS, and VM/370 are provided in Virtual Storage Supplement . .. GC20-0001. System/360 Model 20 publications are in GA26-3565. Twenty-Second Edition (September 1974) This is a major revision of, and supersedes, GA22-6822-20 and Technical Newsletter GN2D-037D-1. All information is updated, and old and new abstracts are merged. SCP publications have been removed (see the preface, opposite) and now appear in GC2D-OOOl. Teleprocessing items applying to the System/360 and/or System/370 and listed in Supplemental Bibliography: Teleprocessing/Data Collection (GA24-3089) are now also included in this bibliography. Requests for IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this bibliography. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Library Services and Administration, Dept. 77 A, 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, New York 10604. Comments and suggestions become the property of IBM. Preface For each major IBM data processing system, publi- SUbject Code cations useful in planning, programming, installing The suffix of the file number identifies the subject and operating that system are normally assembled classification or code, such as 22 for APL or 15 for in a system bibliography. physical planning manuals and templates. (Part 1 In addition to this bibliography, however, virtual of each bibliography starts with a standard index of storage users require Virtual Storage Supplement subject codes and their definitions.) (to IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography), order File numbers with subject codes in the range of number GC20-0001. All SCP (system control pro- 00 through 40 are printed on publications, as an aid gramming) publications supporting OS/VS 1, OS/VS2, in filing manuals in any library which is organized oos/vs, and VM/370 have been separated, for ap- by system and subject. Moreover, codes 00 pearance in GC20-0001, in the interests of independ- through 40 are used in subscribing to SLSS (System ent updating by SCP release. Library Subscription Service). Associated publications on hardware, licensed Subject codes above 4

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