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Now downloading free:IBM ICS Functional Specification Oct67

IBM ICS Functional Specification Oct67 free download

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ICS INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM ~ Functional Specification ICS INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION The reader should be familiar with OS/360 MFT and MVT concepts as orovlded in the IBM SRL Manual 05/360 CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES, For~ C28-6535. PARTITION and REGION are equivalent terrr.s and are related to MFT and MVT, respectively. For. continuity, REGION will De used throughout tnis manual. 10-27-67 Page 1 ICS FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 4 2.0 ICS SYSTEM CAPABILITY 5 2.1 OS/360 Environment S 2.2 rcs System Configuration 5 2.3 rcs Structure S 2.3.1 Functional Areas 6 2.3.2 Basic Requirements 7 Multi-Jobbing 7 Job Protection 8 2. 3.2.3 Da ta Protection 8 2.4 Data Language/I 8 2.4.1 Capabilities 8 2.. 4. 2 DL/I Data Base Organizations 10 2.4.3 Related rcs Functions 14 2.4.4 ICS-DL/r System Generation considera tions 14 2.5 Communication Control 14 2. 5.1 Capabilities 15 2. 5. 2 Message Control 15 2. 5. 3 Message Format (6 2.5.4 Terminal Language 16 2.5. 5 System Messages 2.5.6 Master Terminal 17 2. 5. 7 rCS-Communication System Generation Consideration 19 2.6 Application Scheduler 19 2. 6.1 Capabili ties 20 2. 6. 2 rcs Scheduling Algorithm 20 2. 6. 3 rCS-Scheduler System Generation Consideration 2C 2. 7 Checkpoi nt 21 2.7.1 Conditions 21 10-27-67 Page 2 ICS FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION 2.7. 2 Checkpoint Commands 22 2. 8 IPL- Start 22 2.9 Restart 23 2.10 Typical Message Processing Program Structure

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