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Now downloading free:Keithley 615A(Model615)

Keithley 615A(Model615) free download

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CONTENTS 02738 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 615 SPECIFICATIONS AS A VOLTMETER: GENERAL: RANGE: 100 millivolts full scale (100 microvolts. least sig DISPLAY: 4 digits from 0000 to 1999 on 0.1, 1.0, and 10.0 nificant digit) to 100 volts in four decade ranires. sensftlwty settings; from 0000 to 999 on the 100.0 sensi- ACCURACY: +0.290 of reading +1 digit on all ranges exclu. tivity setting. sive of noise and drift. POLARfTV SELECTION & OVERLOAD INDICATION: Auto- ZERO DRIFT: Less than 1 millivolt in the first hour or subse- matic. quent 24.hour periods after l.hour warmup. Less than OVERRANGING: lOO%overrangingon all ranges exceptwhen 150 mliCrOYOlt* pm "C. "Sing Se"sltl"lty setting of 100.0. NOISE: * 1 digit with input shorted on most sensitive range. DISPLAY RATE: 24 readings per second maximum (20 per INPUT IMPEDANCE: Greater the" 10" phms shunted by second on 50 Hz models); adjustable to tw, readings 35 picofarads. Input resistance may aIs0 be selected in per minute. decade steps from 10 to 10" ohms. PRfNTER OUTPUTS AND OUTPUT CONTROLS: Model 4401 NMRR: Greater than 60 d8 on the most sensitive range de. accessory provides BCD output and external cpntmls. creasing to 40 dB on the lOOwIt range at line frequency. ISOLATION: Circuit ground to chassis ground: Greater than AS AN AMMETER: IO6 ohms Shunted by 0.2 microfarad. Circuit ground may be floated up to 100 volts with respect to chassis ground. RANGE: lo-`2 ampere full scale (1O-L5 ampere, least sig. nificant digit) to 0.1 ampere in 12 decade ranges. CMRR: For high open-circuit CMRR. residual unshielded capmtance between input high and chassis ground is less ACCURACY: b-0.5% of reading, -tl digit on 0.1 to l@' than 0.1 picofarad. ampere ranges using optimum sensitivity control setting; *2% of reading *I digit 0n l@a and lo-3 ampere ranges ANALOG OUTPUTS: and 14% of reading *1 digit on 1O-Lo to lo.`1 ampere Unity gain: At dc. Output is equal to input within 100 ppm.

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