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Now downloading free:Keithley 32426B(Model2501)

Keithley 32426B(Model2501) free download

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II I. 2, ,I `, / 1, ,, : :`r:i,: :. .j, ., `+ i,.' I Model 2501 and Model 2503 Keithley Inrtruments, Inc. Product Notes 2877s Aurora Road/Cleveland, Ohio 44139/U.S.A. (216) 248GkWTelex: 98-5469 May 3, 1982 Rev. B STATICCHARGEMEASUREMENTS USINGKEITHLEYEQUIPMENT INTRODUCTION with the Model 2501 and appropriate Electrometer, pro- vided the system is recalibrated. That is, the Detec- EleCCrOstetlC charge is a deficiency or exce*s Of elec- tor Head must be far enough away from the charged sur- trons on en ungrounded surface. Charges ere readily face to avoid corona discharge to the Head end input acquired o" poor conductors of electricity (such as cable length should be shortened. plastics, synthetic fibers, fabrics, paper, and hydro- carbon salids and liquids) during handling and indus- trial processing of these materials due to friction GENERATION OF ELECTROSTATICS with themselves, other materials, or machine parts. The effect of static potentials is depicted in Figure It is necessary to study quantitatively the location Once acquired, the charges are not easily dissi- and intensity of accumulered charges. The Keifhley iced because of the law conductivity of the materia Model 250, or 2503 Static Detectors (described tn Figures B and C) and a" appropriate Keithley Ele

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