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File No. S360-36 Forw C28-2004-2 TSS Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Time Sharing System Assembler User Macro Instructions IBM System/360 Time Sharing System provides compre- hensive program and data management services which, together with communication, tulk output, and interrup- tion handling services, are requested through macro instructions. These rracro instructions are written in the assembler language as an aid to programming and processing time-shared tasks. PREFACE This publication contains a description macro instructions requires detailed know- of Time Sharing System/360 (TSS/360) macro ledge of system operation, these macro instructions available to the assembler instructions are not of concern to the language user. average TSS/360 user. Detailed descrip- tions are given in IBM System/360 Time The publication is divided into three Sharing System: System Programmer's Guide, parts: Form C28-2008. Part I: User Maco Instructions - con- tains an introduction to user macro instructions and their functional cate- Prerequisite Publications gories and describes the basic principals of the TSS/360 macro instruction language. IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: Value mnemonics and basic macro instruction Concepts and Facilities, Form C28-2003 formats are discussed in detail. IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: Part II: Functional Macro Instruction Assembler Language, Form C28-2000 Descriptions - contains detailed descrip- tions of the macro instructions available Other recommended publications are: with TSS/360 within the framework of their major functional purpose. IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: Linkage Editor, Form C28-2005 Appendixes -- Use of exit routines, con- trol characters available with certain data IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: management facilities, and interrupt handl- Command System User's Guide, Form ing routines are explained. C28-2001 All macro instructions available to the IBM System/360 Time Sharinq System: assembler language user are listed in this Assembler Programmer's Guide, Form publication. However, since use of certain C28-2032

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