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Now downloading free:Keithley 174RevB DocSpec

Keithley 174RevB DocSpec free download

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File name:174RevB_DocSpec.pdf
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Model:174RevB DocSpec 🔎
Original:174RevB DocSpec 🔎
Descr: Keithley 174 174RevB_DocSpec.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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I I NORMAL MODE RE,ECT,ON RATIO: Greater than loOdD on COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO (Ikfl unbalance): Greater 3mV range. greater than 80dB on 30mV range and higher ranges at than 120dB at DC and line frequency on 3mV and 3omV ranges. line frequency. Greater than 1M)dB on higher ranges, except BOdB on ,000" range. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE INPUT: 35OV peak. 240V rms. line frequency or DC. AUTO/MANUAL RANGING AC VOLTMETER GENERAL OPTION 1740 MAXIMUM ACCU~WCY ,8*-2pcl ,w.,o.. ZERO STABILITY: Autozeroed to within specified accuracy and RANGE READlNC *Is 0, rd. + di.,,., temperature coefficient. 0'.50

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