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Now downloading free:Keithley 2950 Getting Started Test

Keithley 2950 Getting Started Test free download

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Descr: Keithley Appnotes 2950_Getting_Started_Test.pdf
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A GREAT ER M EA SU R E O F C O N F I D E N C E structures. Improvements from 40% to 50% are possible with structure layouts designed to increase the potential for parallel test. In traditional (i.e., sequential) parametric test programs, each DUT is connected to the measurement instruments one after the other. During the period in which the DUT is connected, forcing signals are applied to it, and then electrical measurements record its response. Once a single test or group of Getting Started tests for a DUT is complete, the connec- tions are cleared to allow connection to the next DUT. These connect and disconnect in Parallel Test-- times represent some proportion of the overall throughput budget because the relay switching and settling times for high isola- Modification tion mechanical devices are f

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