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Now downloading free:IBM C26-5990-1 1800 Timesharing Executive Specification Oct66

IBM C26-5990-1 1800 Timesharing Executive Specification Oct66 free download

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File name C26-5990-1_1800_Timesharing_Executive_Specification_Oct66.pdf

File No. 1800-36 Form No. C26-5990-1 Systems Reference Library IBM 1800 Time - Sharing Executive System Specifications This publication describes and illustrates the use of the IBM 1800 Time-Sharing Executive System. The calling sequences to all the programs are described in terms of the FORTRAN CALL statements. The Assembler language equivalents of the calling sequences are included in an appendix. It is assumed the reader has knowledge of the 1800 Data Acquisition and Control System and the 1800 FORTRAN Language. The 1800 Time-Sharing Executive System provides the user with an easy means of generating, testing, and executing programs for process control and data acquisition applications as well a,s nonprocess applications. Form C26-5990-1 Page Revised 10/25/66 By TNL N26-0560 PREFACE This publication presents the specifications for the MACHINE REQUIREMENTS IBM 1800 Time-Sharing Executive (TSX) System. The 1800 TSX system provides a means for genera- The machine units required for operation of the 1800 ting, organizing, testing, and executing programs TSX System are listed below. Normally, only one for process control and data acquisition applications device per data channel is permitted. For exceptions and nonprocess operations. to this rule see Test Function under BASIC CALLING The publication is divided into four parts: SEQUENCE in the Subroutine Library section.

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