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IBM GN20-0360-75 360-370TNL free download

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SRL Newsletter File Number S/360, S/370-G Re: Order No. GA22-6822.L This Newsletter No. GN20-0360.1 Date June, 191 Accumulative Index of Publications and Programs-IBM System/360 and System/371 Section 1: Order numbers of publications included in the System/360 System/370 Systems Reference L~brary are listed below, with the edition suffix of all current editions shown. Any Technical Newsletter applying to a later edition also applies to all prior editions but is only listed once. If the changes released in Technical Newsletters are inserted in their proper place, each current edition will correspond to any of the others * When more than one edition of a publication is current, the order number is followed by * # These items are for World Trade use only; not available in U.S.A. ( ) Changes since the last edition of the Newsletter are in parenthesis t A dagger prec~des any order number that is on microfiche. The order number consists of eight characters. The first character is the use key, which identifil s the conditions under which the item is available. Categories are: G - Available to users without charge through their IBM representative; L - Licensed Material, Property of IBM and available only to licensees for the IBM Program Product; S - For sale through IBM branch offices. The last seven characters are the -form number. SUBJ ORDER TECHNICAL CODE NUMBER NEWSLETTER TITLE 00 GENERAL INFORMATION ~22-6822-16 GN20-0360.75 System/360 and System/370 Bibliography vSA24-3089-6 GN20-1001. 50 SRL Bibliography Supplement - Teleprocessing and Data Collection ~20-8172-6 GN20-1002.29 Bibliography of Data Processing Techniques GA22-6810-10 GN22-0344 GN22-0346 System/360 System Summary GN22-0349 GN22-0347 GA22-7001-0 GN22-0385 GN22-0375 System/370 System Summary GA24-3511~4 System/360 Model 25 Configurator GA24-3232-3 System/360 Model 30 Configurator GA22-6813-4 System/360 Model 40 Configurator GA22-6874-1 System/360 Model 44 Configurator GA22-6814-4 System/360 Model 50 Configurator GA22-6887-5 System/360 Model 65 Configu

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