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Now downloading free:Keithley 247RevB DocSpec

Keithley 247RevB DocSpec free download

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Descr: Keithley 247 247RevB_DocSpec.pdf
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Model 247 High Voltage Power Supply_ -- OuTPuTt - Voltage 0 to 3kv DC. Cumnt 6mA IXmaximum. Polarity Postlive or negauve with `qnxk to ehaslda ACCIJRACYz WI"-2S'c): f (025% of setttng + 1.N CCI from 1% to 100% of maxtmum output voltage. RESOLUTION: Dial graduations of ZtXmV. STABILITY:M.OI% ofsetUng/hr.;M.O2% of setting/g hm., at constant temperatureafter Qhour --up. Tl&WERATURE COEPFICIRNT (OnWC k ZS%WCk +5Oppm/"c LINE REGULATION: O.Wl% voltage change for 10% line variation. LOAD REGULATION: 0.005% voltme &me from no load to full losd RIPPLEANDNOISEs3.5mVnns,lO&p-p83kV,6mA;ImVrms,3mVpp6llkV,ImA. IOHZ-IWLHZ SETTLING TIME: 4 -da to within IV with full resbttve load OVERLOAD PRDTRCl'fON: Short ctrcutt proof, arc protected. self restoring. METER: Monitors voltage output. ENVIRONMENT: Operating: 0" to WC, 0 to 80% relative humtdity up to 35% storage: -40" to 75

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