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Now downloading free:Keithley KPCI PDISO8A RevB DocSpec

Keithley KPCI PDISO8A RevB DocSpec free download

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KPCI-PDISO8A and KPCI-PIO32IOA Specifications These two products are to achieve a PCI version of the PDISO-8 and PIO32-IO ISA cards. Control Inputs(1) Quantity: 8 KPCI-PDISO8A 16 KPCI-PIO32IOA Type: Solid-State, Opto-isolated DC Inputs without optional filter PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT Voltage Input Logic High +/- 2.5 +/- 60 VDC Voltage Input Logic Low +/- 1.0 VDC Response Time 0.6 1.0 ms Isolation(2) 60 V pk AC Inputs with optional filtering(3) PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT Low Pass Filter Time Constant 175 ms AC Sense Voltage Logic High 10 42 V pp AC Sense Voltage Logic Low < 10 V pp AC Line Frequency Sensing 50 and 60 Hz Interrupt Line Assignment PARAMETER Signal Location Pin # External Interrupt Enable INT_ENN IP7 3,21 External Interrupt Request INT_REQ IP6 4,22 Outputs Quantity: 8 KPCI-PDISO8A 16 KPCI-PIO32IOA Type: Solid-State, Opto-isolated N.O. Relay (Form A) AC/DC Load Switching PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT Load Voltage DC +/-60 VDC AC 30 VRMS Load Current(4) DC 350 mA DC AC 247 mA RMS Off State Leakage Current(5) 316 2000 nA On State Channel Resistance (7) 3.5 4.0 Relay Turn ON Time 1.0 3.5 ms HW 2/27/02 Rev B Page 1 PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT Relay Turn OFF Time 80 200

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