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Now downloading free:Keithley 7011Cpinout

Keithley 7011Cpinout free download

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The following pages are extracts from the manual for the 7011-S and 7011-C switch cards. The complete manual is available by download from the document center. 3.3.4 Multi-pin (mass termination) connec- connector card to test instrumentation and DUT (de- tor card vices under test). In general, these accessories, which are summarized in Table 3-2, utilize a round cable as- sembly for connections. Since comections to external circuiq are made at the 96-pin male DIN bulkhead connector, there is no need to separate the connector card from the relay card. If Table 3-2 the connector card is separated from the relay card, Mass termination accessories carefully mate them together and install tlw supplied 440 mounting screw. Make sure to handle the cards by Model Description the edges and shields to avoid contamination. 7011-m-R 96pin female DIN connector and housing for round cable. Terminal identification for the DIN connedor of the 7011~ME-2 Two-meter round cable assembly multi-pin connector card is provided by Figure 3-8. terminated with a 96-pin female This connector will mate to a 96-pin female DIN con- DIN comwctor on each end. nector. 7011~MTR 96-pin male DIN bulkhead con- Keithley has a variety of cable and connector accesso- ries available to accommodate connections from the 1 nector. 3-6 Card Connections & hstahtion Pins of the Model 7011-C mass termination connector can be identiiied in one of three ways: 1. Mux terminal, consisting of banks A-D and inputs l-10. 2. Connector description. consisting of rows a-c and columns l-32. 3. Schematic and component layout designation (l-96). The following pinout diagrams show the correspondence between these arrangements: 3231302928273~*25*423~221*0191~1716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 l . . . . . . ..*...*...*... View from pin side of connector 3-7 Card Connections & /nm//arion Typical connection techniques Round cable assemblies -Figure

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