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Now downloading free:IBM IBM 5210 Printer Models E1 and E2 Nov82

IBM IBM 5210 Printer Models E1 and E2 Nov82 free download

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- - . _...- ---- -~- -- - ---- - ---... - _- - Product --_ ... - ---_.- Announ'cement Information Systems Group November 18, 1982 National Accounts Division National Marketing Division IBM 5210 Printer Models E1 and E2 enhanced The IBM 5210 ,Printer is a correspondence quality take six months from September 1983. No new bi-directional desktop printwheel printer. It provides shipments of the existing 5210 Printers (LU Type 4) will flexibility in paper handling, typestyles, and print be fl,1ade after September 1983. speed which together with improved usability characteristics encourage its use for text processing To ease migration from DPCX Release 2.2 and DOSF applications. It offers both automatic sheet-feeding Release 2.1 to the required DPCX Release 3 and DOSF ' and continuous forms-feeding options in addition to a Release 3, an RPQ will be available. Customers with manual paper or forms insertion, and should find a 5210s to be shipped after September 1983 and who will wide variety of uses among the text and data temporarily require DPCX Release 2.2 and DOSF Release processing applications supported on the system. 2.1 support must order RPQ #S90044 (5210 LU Type 4 Attachment is to the IBM 8100 Information System Support RPQ) for these printers. This RPQ is available with programming support provided by IBM only at time of manufacture without charge. It will be a 8100/DPCX and IBM 8100/DOSF licensed programs. standard RPQ until January 21, 1983. After January 21, 1983, RPQ's must be submitted to the IBM plant of The 5210 Printer Models E1/E2 (Logical Unit Type 4 manufacture for approval. The RPQ will be withdrawn devices) are enhanced with EC #996869 to provide effective March 11, 1983. significant new functions supported by DPCX Release 3 and DOSF Release 3 and to allow support as SNA Logical

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