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Now downloading free:Keithley 420A(Model420A)

Keithley 420A(Model420A) free download

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INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 420A LOG N PERIOD AMPLIFIER MODEL 420A KY.7 n WHIOD AMPLIFIER CONlTNTs TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section I. Introduction ... l-1 Section II. Specifications. ... 2-l Section III. Operation. ... 3-l Section IV. Description ... 4-l. Section V. Maintenance ... 5-l Section VI. Replaceable Parts List. ... 6-1. Voltage and Resistance Diagram ... 6-9 Circuit Schematic Diagram. ... 6-11 WhangeNotice...Las t Page *If a change in the instrument affects the instructions, the correction is printed on a yellow sheet at the back of the manual. 0862R i MXEL &OAICQ nPERIOD&@LIFDB INTFiOIWXIOlV SECTION I INTRODUCTION Model &20-A The Keithley Model h20-A Log n Period Amplifier consists of a logarithmic micro-microammeter for indication of reactor power level, followed by a differentiator which indicates the reactor period. High level outputs for oscilloscopes and one-milliampere recorders, as well as 50 millivolt outputs, are provided from both the micro-microammeter and the period amplifier. One side of all outputs is at ground, making it convenient to connect associated equipment. The features of the Log n Amplifier section include full scale voltage drop at the input of less than five millivolts, zero drift of less than 0.05 decade in 2L hours, good accuracy, and built-in calibration standards, The major panel control is the OPERATE switchj minor controls

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