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Now downloading free:IBM 25-8194-0 01-10 Typewriter CE May44

IBM 25-8194-0 01-10 Typewriter CE May44 free download

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File name:25-8194-0_01-10_Typewriter_CE_May44.pdf
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File name 25-8194-0_01-10_Typewriter_CE_May44.pdf

MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION CUSTOMER ENGINEERING IBM ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS MODELS 01-10 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 590 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, NEW YORK FORM 25-8194-0 PART #1067094 Printed in U.S.A. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER DIVISION FOREWORD The purpose of this manual is to assist customer engineers in the servicing of mM Electric Typewriters. This manual is compiled from methods and adjustments used at the factory, together with suggestions from the field which have. been approved by the Engineering Department. It represents methods that experience has proved best. in servicing the equipment. As new developments and improvements are introduced, new sections and additional pages to the present sections may be added to this manual. It is in loose-leaf form so that new material can be easily added. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING PARTS A. BRANCH OFFICE STOCK PARTS 1. Use Supply and Parts Requisition Form No. 606-0 for supplies and parts when shipment is to be made direct to the sales office. Make up in five copies and send the first four copies of the form to the Order Department in Rochester. Retain the pink copy for your flIes. a. Be sure to fill in branch name and number, date, and local number and have signed by the supervisor in charge of EWM Customer Engineering. b. Use separate orders for parts, ribbons and tools. c. Fill in all prices and extensions where applicable. d. Fill in "Quantity in Stock" Column on each item. 2. Use complete part numbers when ordering parts. Place part numbers in numerical sequence on order blank. If number and name do not agree, the order will be filled from the number. 3. All platen orders will be filled with standard 33 tooth ratchets unless otherwise specified on the order. 4. Use complete part numbers in requisitioning ribbons and specify inking. 5. When ordering type bars specify whether Pica, Elite, Pica GothiC, etc. and also give the position number of the type bars. In the case of characters other than Standard, give catalog location in Type Available Catalog. Key Quttons will not be sent with type bars unless ordered. B. CUSTOMER PARTS SHIPPED DIRECT 1. Use House order 95-6016-0 (green) for parts which are to be shipped direct to customers. Make up in duplicate. Send the original to the Order Department in Rochester and retain the second copy for your files. a. Be sure to fill in date, branch order number, customer pur- chase order number, and shipping instructions. b. Follow instructions given above with reference to part num- bers, platens, type and ribbons. May 1, 1944

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