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Now downloading free:Keithley PIM1 500RevA DocSpec

Keithley PIM1 500RevA DocSpec free download

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Model:PIM1 500RevA DocSpec 🔎
Original:PIM1 500RevA DocSpec 🔎
Descr: Keithley 500 PIM1_500RevA_DocSpec.pdf
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.--- -... PT.Ml PULSE INPUT SPECIFICATIONS - 5 2 Input channels: a s&J Input characteristics: = I Channel 0 Non-isolated c-0 Sensitivity: 2OOmVmin. at IMHz 4W Maximum input: 50 VDC or peak AC "CL Minimum Rise and Fall Time: 5V/sec m Input Impedance: lOOKohm//1000pF Channels 1-7 Non-isolated Logic 0 drive = 1.4mA sink at 1.4V (internal pull up to +5V) Isolated Logic 0 drive = IOmA forward current (+ to -) Logic 1 drive = <25OuA forward current Isolation: Technique: optical, switch selectable on channels 1 thru 7 Channel to Ground: 500V peak max. Channel to Channel: 500V peak max. FreqLency Mode: RANGE* GATE TIME RESOLUTION ACCURACY 8MHz 8.192ms 122Hz 2(0.04% + 122Hz) ?IHZ 16.384ms blHz +(O.O4% + b1Hr) _ 'Hz 32.768ms 30Hz +.03% + 30Hz) L'iz 65.536ms 15Hz +(0.03% + 15Hz) 500; Liz 131.072ms 7.5Hz +(0.03% + 7.5Hz) 250ktlz 26:.:44ms 3.7Hz +(0.03% + 3.7Hz) 125kHz 524.288ms 1.9Hz ?0.03% + 1.9Hz) 62.5kHz 1048.57bms 1Hz z(0.03% + 1Hz) * In isolated mode, maximum input is 2MHz. Channel 0 maximum input 1MHz. Pulse Co

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