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Now downloading free:Keithley 501 911 01B

Keithley 501 911 01B free download

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IBIN=PS/2 Interface for IBM W/2 and Compatibles with Microchannel Architecture The IBIN-PS/2 interface plugs into any of the expansion To install the IBlN-E'S/2 interface card you will need a slots in IBM PS/2 Models 50, 55SX, 60, 70 and 80 or backup copy of the Reference diskette that was provided compatibles, and serves as an interface between the com- with your computer. The Reference diskette contains puter and the Models 5OOA, 5OOP,and 575. The interface various programs and files that are essential to installing card contains POS circuitry, address buffering and decod- new peripherals in your computer. If you do not have a ing, data buffering, configuration and status information, back-up copy of the Reference diskette, you must make one a programmable interval timer, and interrupt generation according to the instructions provided with your com- circuitry. puter. Software Support The installation procedure for the lBIlGl?S/2 interface card consists of several steps. First, the interface card itself must The IBIN-I'S/2 interface card requires the use of Soft500 be physically installed in the computer. Then the computer Version 5.2 or later, Quick500 Version 1.2 or later, or must be reconfigured to recognize the interface card. Once KDAC500. If third-party data acquisition software is used, the computer is properly configured, theSoft500, Quick500, it must support the features and operation of the IBIN-PS/ or KDAC500 installation should be run in order to check 2. Note: Even if you plan to use third-party software for correct operation (even if you are planning to run other exclusively, you will need the "@6571.ADF" file included software exclusively). with your Keithley software to install the IBIN-PS/2 in your computer. The following directions and illustrations show the IBM PersonalSystem/2Model50. For other models, consult the documentation which accompanies the computer. Reading TIME/DATE with Keithley 500~Series Software IBIN-PS/2 Hardware Installation The CLQCKREAD command of Soft500 V5.2 and Quick500 Vl.2, and the KDCLOCKcommand inKDAC500 default to Install the IBIN-PS/2 into a vacant expansion slot as fol- reading the battery-backed clock and calendar located on lows: Make sure the PS/2 is turned off, and unplug the the computer's mother board. This operation supplies time

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