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Now downloading free:IBM C24-3337-3 Report Program Generator Language Nov68

IBM C24-3337-3 Report Program Generator Language Nov68 free download

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File No. S360-28 Form C24-3337-3 os Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Operating System Report Program Generator Language This reference publication contains fundamentals of RPG programming and language specifications for the IBM System/360 Operating System, Report Pro- gram Generator. Also included is the job setup information for ex- ecuting RPG. Preface ---- The System/360 Operating System, Report IBM System/360 Operating System, System Program Generator (RPG) is a problem-- Programmer's Guide (Form C28-6550) oriented language designed to provide users with an efficient, easy-to-use technique IBM System/360 Operating System, Assembler for generating programs that can: (E) Programmer's Guide (Form C28-6595) 1. Obtain data records from single or IBM ts multiple input files, and 2. Perform calculations on data taken from input records or RPG literals, IBM System/360 Operating System, Supervisor 3. Write reports, and Data Management Services (Form C28- 4. Use Table Lookup, 6646) 5. Exit to a user's subroutine written in a language other than RPG, IBM System/360 Operating System, Job 6. Branch within the calculations, Control Language (Form C28-6539) 7. Sequence check input records, 8. Maintain files. IBM System/360 Operating System, Linkage Editor (Form C28-6538) RPG uses a set of specification sheets on which the user makes entries. The IBM System/360 Operating System, Supervisor forms are simple, and the headings on the and Data Management Macro-Instructions sheets are largely self-explanatory. (Form C28-6647) Although many reports use only one input file, RPG can combine data from multiple input files to create a report. The output may be a single report, or it may be several reports created simulta- IBM System/360 Operating System, Storage neously on different devices. Estimates (Form C28-655l) For information on the operating system that is beyond the purpose of this publication, refer to the following publi- For titles and abstracts of associated cations:

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