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Now downloading free:Keithley 228RevC DocSpec

Keithley 228RevC DocSpec free download

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Descr: Keithley 228 228RevC_DocSpec.pdf
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228 SPECIFICATIONS IS A CONSTANT VOLTAGE SOURCE EXTERNAL MODULATION LANGE OLmlrr COmAKE,sowua5bLk, INPUT WISTANCEZ 6.8&l. ACNltAcY ACCVUCY swsr IWIlY: -1OV increases mamitodc of ~ronramm MAXI- RExl ,I VXAR, MAXI- RESD II YFAR) 100% of foil scale: + 1OV dccmases&nihtde df p&rammed o&put b$ MUM LlmON IO'-WC Mum LUIION I*`-WC lW% of full scale. loo" *101.0" lmm" *K.l~+o.* "1 **.mo A hi.4 *10.1*+ 4mw ACCURACY: 2% twicd. dc to t.OHz. .*0mloA loo * *tO.l%+am +A, MMIMIJM MODtiTION: Modulation and p~osramtrmi vttin should 10" flO.,O" mm" **0.1s+ mm", *10.10 A lomA *10.5'L+ UhA) not oust optmtion exeaiitt.s the rang of zero to 101% of fttl 7 scale. ** 1mA *co.l%+ (m~j MODULATION FREQIJENcX 6C0Hz bandwidth. *O.*oIM *cm lb4 *(o.l*+al IA) 1" *,.o,o" ,rn" *,o.l%+l.&n"~ *10.1oA lomA *,0.5++ 4&w IEEE-488 BUS UvlPLEMENTATlON (lEEE-486-1978) *,.mo A ImA **0.1++ 4mAl MIJJFLsyD,COMMANDS: DCL, LLO. SDC. GET, GTL. UN-l-. UNL. *** tm #A *,o.l% +4m #A, `ALme 0.4% r.w$ IJNILINE COMMAND% IFC, REN. MI. SRQ. ATN. TEMPERATURE COEFFI&M IO"-16

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