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Now downloading free:IBM GC24-9002-5 360-20asm Apr70

IBM GC24-9002-5 360-20asm Apr70 free download

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File name GC24-9002-5_360-20asm_Apr70.pdf

F1le No. S360(Mod.20}-2l Form GC24-9002-S DPS TPS Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Model 20 Disk and Tape Programming Systems Assembler Language rhis publication pr~vi~es the information enabling the programmer to ~rite prograns in the IBM System/360 Model 20 OP5/rp5 Assembler language and the macr~ language. The ~o~el 20 Assembler language allo~s the use ~of mnemonic operation codes and symbolic representations of storage addresses and other values. A pro~ra~ i3 written in symbolic language; This program is pro- cesse~ by the DPS/rps ~ssenbler pr~gr3m, which rea3s the symbolic statements and produces a program in machine language. By means of the macro language, the programner can re~uce considerably the amount of repetitive co3ing require3 for routines used frequently within a given program or in many different programs. rhe progra~ner must co~e the routine ~nly once an~ inclu3e it in the macro library. He ~rites a macro instruction at the point in the source pr~gran ~here the routine is require~. During assembly, the Assembler reads the macro instruction, extracts the routine from the library, and inserts it in the object progra~. rhe programmer can cause the ~ssenbler to tailor the rou- tine to fit the particular problem program by specify- ing the appropriate symb~lic operan3s in the macro instruction. rhe rea3er of this publication should be familiar with basi= programming concepts and ~ith the operating principles of his system as 3escribe3 in the appropri- ate SRL publicati~ns. F~r a list of pertinent publi=a- tions see ~~~_~Y2

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