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Now downloading free:IBM IBM System 38 Technical Developments Dec1978

IBM IBM System 38 Technical Developments Dec1978 free download

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Preface The IBM System/38 employs both advanced tech- nology and many new data processing concepts. While the laboratory in Rochester, Minnesota, had primary responsibility for design and development, IBM people in laboratories in Boeblingen, Germany, Burlington, Vermont, and East Fishkill, New York, made important contributions. Our mutual objective was to produce a system that would be both accessible and extendable, and at the same time offer efficient conversion facilities. Function menus, help keys, multilayer messages, and a system-wide control language are essential elements of System/38, along with a flexible "user authoriza- tion" scheme for system integrity and security. We chose to avoid traditional hardware-dependent addressing and storage management and instead to readily accommodate new technologies and storage organizations through a high-level machine archi- tecture that not only frees the user from earlier restrictions but also supports a new kind of data base facility. Finally, because System/38 is viewed as a growth path from present systems, especially the IBM System/3, we developed conversion techniques rather than an emulator to give these users an opportunity The papers in this volume are not intended to replace IBM to benefit from the novel, even unique, capabilities of publications in describing the capabilities of the system components and how to use them. Keep in mind that the the System/38. papers are for general technical communication purposes; they do not represent an IBM warranty or commitment to Some 50 authors are represented in this special specific capabilities in the referenced products. collection of papers. I want to thank them and their Different structures and levels of detail may exist in the many colleagues whose combined efforts made papers because they were written as technical articles by System/38 a distinguished family of IBM products. various developers of the System/38. In order to preserve their technical integrity and vitality, they have not been integrated relative to consistency of style, language, or method of presentation. B. G. Utley Note that these papers will not be updated as changes are Manager, GSD Advanced Systems December 1978 made over time to the System/38 products. --- - ---- E = Product =ffi esign and development I t mISS General yst ms Division

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