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Keithley pa153C(6147 252C7078 252C4804) free download

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Model 6147 Triax to BNC, Model 7078-TRX-BNC 3-Slot Triax to BNC, and Model 4804 BNC to Triax Adapters MODEL 6147 The Model 6147 k a 2-slot mde ti= to fede BNC adapter. It cnbe used to adapt electrometer tiputa (ti=) to BNC cables ad cmmedons h a test systm. MODEL 7078 TheModel 707&~-BNC S a mle >slot tix to fe~e BNC adapter. It cm be -d to com~t BNC cables to qtipment htig fetie >lug ti= Comedom (such as Mdel 7072 Sticonduc- tor Ma* C=d). W~lNG The case of the adapter is cmmected to the ti~ shield of the ti~l comedor. Wha used tith a eledmeter or other fi~mt, tiput low or wad voltage WI appeu on Me case of tie adapter and my BNC co-dom ati~d. To prevent ele~c sho&, do not float tier shield more th~ 30V above eti qmd. MODEL 4804 The Model 4W k a Z+lot mde BNC to 2-lug fmde titid adapter. It ~ be ~d to adapt td- @ cable to 2-lug BNC tiput com~o~. NO~ Keep the comtiom fie of con~ k (su& as M, oH, etc.) h order to *- mti- mm *tition raaktace. H the cometiom become conttiated, de~ them thOrOugNy tith mdmol md Wow to d~ completely before W. PA-1 53 Rev. C / &90 SPECWICA~ONS WOrtig Voltage 500V pe& center condudor to outer sheH; 30V pea tier shield to outer shd. Mm Wortig Cwent 1A peal. Operatig Entiomenk O

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