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--- - ----- ISG ---- - ---- Do not reproduce without written permission S/Pr.1 Oct 83 .:. ::::: :5~5: SOFTWARE PRICES INTRODUCTION There are two separate lists contained in this section. The Software Price List includes all types of software currently marketed by NAD and NMO. Only prices for billing plans currently marketed to commercial customers are included. The Software Upgrade List includes charges for the limited number of programs that can be upgraded. This price list does not carry all feature codes assigned to a program number. Specifically missing are the following type feature codes: No charge types Asset assignments only codes (no charge types). Licensed program material types (such as publications, microfiche, and other non-machine readable materials), whether they have associated charges or not. ORGANIZATION The Software Price List is presented in program number sequence. Footnotes are kept to a minimum and, when practical, immediately follow each applicable software product. A hyphen indicates that a data field does not apply or no longer is available. Other special codes used will be explained in the legend. LEGEND FOR SOFTWARE PRICE LIST Column Heading Explanation PROGRAM/ The program number assigned to each software product. This column will also contain feature codes related to e FEAT NUM program number. The characters #xxxx in this column indicates that the feature code is not available at this time. CHARGE TYPE Identifies the types of charges associated with a program/ feature number and also what license type (Basic or OSLO) the charge is applied against. The codes used are: B/M = Basic License, Monthly Payment Period B/ A Basic License, Annual Payment Period B/I = Basic License, Initial Charge B/ 0 =Basic License, One-Time Charge B/P = Basic License, Process Charge O/M = OSLO License, Monthly Payment Period 0/ A =OSLO License, Annual Payment Period 0/1 = OSLO License, Initial Charge 0/0= OSLO License, One-Time Charge O/P = OSLO License, Process Charge SUC = Single Use Charge SCP = System Control Program CHARGE AMOUNT The dollar amoun

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