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Now downloading free:LeCroy LECROY Wavesurfer On Line Help

LeCroy LECROY Wavesurfer On Line Help free download

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WELCOME Welcome to on-line help. Use this on-line manual for assistance in normal operation of your LeCroy oscilloscope. You can also use it for help with LeCroy software options that you may have purchased. Use the Table of Contents or Index at left to find information. HOW TO USE ON-LINE HELP Type Styles Activators of pop-up text and images appear as green, underlined, italic: Pop-up. To close pop-up text and images after opening them, touch the pop-up text again. Link text appears blue and underlined: Link. Links jump you to other topics, URLs, or images; or to another location within the same Help window. After making a jump, you can touch the Back icon in the toolbar at the top of the Help window to return to the Help screen you just left. With each touch of the Back icon, you return to the preceding Help screen. Instrument Help When you press the front panel HELP button (if available), or touch the on-screen Help button , you will be presented with a menu: you can choose either to have information found for you automatically or to search for information yourself. If you want context-sensitive Help, that is, Help related to what was displayed on the screen when you requested Help, touch in the drop-down menu, then touch the on-screen control (or front panel button or knob) that you need information about. The instrument will automatically display Help about that control. If you want information about something not displayed on the screen, touch one of the buttons inside the drop-down menu to display the on- line Help manual: Contents displays the Table of Contents. Index displays an alphabetical listing of keywords. Search locates every occurrence of the keyword that you enter. connects you to LeCroy's Web site where you can find Lab Briefs, Application Notes, and other useful information. This feature requires that the instrument be connected to the internet through the Ethernet port on the scope's rear panel. Refer to Remote Communication for setup instructions. About opens the Utilities "Status" dialog, which shows software version and other system information. Once opened, the Help window will display its navigation pane: the part of the window that shows the Table of Contents and Index. When you touch anywhere outside of the Help window, this navigation pane will disappear to reveal more of your signal. To make it return, touch the Show icon at the top of the Help window or touch inside the Help information pane. Windows Help In addition to instrument Help, you can also access on-line Help for Microsoft

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