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File No. 5360-21 Form C28-68ll-1 44PS Systems Reference Library IBM System/3S0 Model 44 Programming System Assembler Language This publication contains specifications for the IBM System/360 Nodel 44 Programming System Assembler Lan- guage. This assembler language is used to write programs for the Model 44. The IBM System/360 Model 44 Program- ming System Assembler program processes the lanquage and provides auxiliary functions useful in the prepara- tion and documentation of a program. PREFACE This publication is a reference manual basic courses of instruction in these for the programmer using the assembler areas. language and its features. This publication presents information The publications most closely supplemen- common to all parts of the language, fol- tal to this one are: lowed by specific information concerning the symbolic machine instruction codes and IBM System/360: Principles of Operation, the assembler program functions provided Form A22-6821 for the programmer's use. IBM System/360: System Summary, Form Appendixes A through F present such A22-6810 items as a summary chart for constants, instruction listings, character set rep- IBM System/360 Model 44: Functional resentations, and other aids to program- Characteristics, Form A22-6875 ming. Appendix G is a features comparison chart of system/360 assemblers. IBM System/360 Model 44 Programming Sys- tem: Concepts and Facilities, Form Knowledge of IBM System/360 machine C28-6810 operations, particularly storage address- ing, data formats, and machine instruction IBM System/360 Model 44 programming Sys- formats and functions, is prerequisite to tem: Guide to System Use, Form C28-6812 using this publication. It is assumed that the reader has experience with programming Data Acguisition Special Features for concepts and techniques or has completed IBM System/360 Model 44, Form A22-6900 Second Edition This is a major rev~s~on of, and makes obsolete, C28-6811-0. section 7, "Update Feature," has been substantially revised to include additional information and examples of update operations. Appendix G, "Features Comparison Checklists," has been rewritten to define more specifically the relationship between the IBM systeml360 Model 44 programming system Assembler Language and the other system/360 programming support system assembler langua

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