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IBM 00 CM Checklist free download

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Model:00 CM Checklist 🔎
Original:00 CM Checklist 🔎
Descr: IBM serviceForConsultants Service_For_Consultants_198312_Complete 00_CM_Checklist.pdf
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- - - .--- --- - ---.-.. - -- ---- - -- - - - ---- - -.- .. - - ---- -"'- SERVICE FOR CONSULTANTS -- DEC 1983 (#739) This publication is intended for use by those members of the data FILING INSTRUCTIONS: This set of inserts for the Consultants processing community who need this information in their work as Manual contains the Hardware) and Programming pages. All pages consultants in the field of data processing a'nd/or for those who directly are annotated as 'Dec 83' (CMR #739). or indirectly assist the users of IBM data processing systems in the installation and application of such systems. The first number in parenthesis is the number of physical pages (sheets of paper). Next is the page number or page nUlTlbers furnished - only It is made available on a subscription basis at $163.25 the first year the page number on the front of the physical page is stated. (including up-to-date manuals, binders and 12 monthly supplements) and $74.40 for subsequent years (12 monthly supplements only). The CM CHECKLIST includes both front arid back page numbers. In Requests for subscription should be submitted to the nearest IBM the checklist, a [ ] indicates that the reverse side of the page is "blank" Branch Office. (no text). Also listed are the dates and the revision (or mailing) numbers. The mate

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