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Now downloading free:IBM C20-8062 Index Organization for Information Retrieval 1961

IBM C20-8062 Index Organization for Information Retrieval 1961 free download

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File name C20-8062_Index_Organization_for_Information_Retrieval_1961.pdf

. I Reference Manual Index Organization for Information Retrieval @ 1961 by Intemational Business Machines Corporation TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction . 1 Indexing 2 Name Indexing 3 Subj ect Indexing 9 Classification . 9 Subj ect Headings . 15 Coordinate Indexing . 21 Special Indexes. . . . 34 Word Indexing & Subject Indexing 34 Auto-encoding & Keyword in Context (KWIC) Index . 34 Indicative & Informative Indexes 37 Lookup and Search. . 40 Applications . 42 Glossary 45 Bibliography 61 INTRODUCTION This is a primer on index organization. Only the basic principles are presented and these in a simplified form. There will be no attempt to discuss the problems of subject analysis which the indexer must perform to select the correct index points; rather, the discussion will be limited to the methods and patterns of organizing indexes. Today, with the development of mechanized information storage and retrieval, there is need for communication between librarians and documentalists on the one hand and systems personnel on the other. It is to help the latter understand the problems he will encounter in organizing information for retrieval that this primer has been prepared. The literature on indexing is very extensive and its vocabulary is unstable and confusing. The basic principles, however, are not difficult to under- stand. As the systems man gains understanding of the techniques of information retrieval, he will be in a better position to demonstrate the contributions that mechanization can offer this field. INDEXING Indexing is an ordering and listing of names, topics, objects, etc., to facilitate finding the individual items contained in a store of information. The conversion of indexes to codes - that is, the use of special symbols to represent words - is the subject of an IBM pamphlet, Modern Coding Methods (X21-3793). Coding will

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