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Now downloading free:IBM G544-0851-3 IBM Displaywriter System General Information Manual Oct81

IBM G544-0851-3 IBM Displaywriter System General Information Manual Oct81 free download

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G544-0851-3 General Information Manual for the IBM Displaywriter System ---- - - --- - - - --- -~- ----- - --- ----_ - ------ -. .. Fourth Edition (October 1981) The information in this manual describes all models of the IBM Displaywriter System. You r I BM representative can provide additional information regarding the date any particular component will be available or how the IBM Displaywriter System functions. Graphics in this publication represent design models and may not be exact replicas of production models. Requests for I BM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for reader's comments is at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, address your comments to IBM Corporation, I nformation Development, Depa rtment 97H, Bu i Idi ng 998,11400 Burnet Road, Austin, Texas 78758. IBM may use and distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation whatever. You may, of course, continue to use the information you supply. o 1981 Copyright I nternational Business Machines Corporation 1980, PREFACE PURPOSE This manual is designed to give a general overview of the IBM Displaywriter System--a modular, diskette-based word processing system. Licensed programs provide the IBM Displaywriter System functions, such as text processing, files management, and electronic commu nications. Besides providing information about the IBM Displaywriter System functions, this manual also describes the equipment components and available IBM support for the IBM Displaywriter System. AUDIENCE This publication is intended for company executives, office administrators, and office personnel who may direct or supervise the use of the IBM Displaywriter System but who may not directly operate the system. Familiarity with word processing is helpful, but not mandatory, in understanding the contents of this publication. CONTENTS This publication has five chapters, four appendixes, and a glossary:

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