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Now downloading free:Optiquest VCDTS22355-6M

Optiquest VCDTS22355-6M free download

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File information:
Size:1658 kB
Model:VCDTS22355-6M 🔎 VCDTS223556M
Original:Q71-6 🔎
Descr:Optiquest (Viewsonic) Q71-6. 17 inch computer monitor
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name Q71-6_scheme.txt

Schematics for the Optiquest VCDTS22355-6M Also know as the Q71-6. Viewsonic made several different versions of the Optiquest Q71. The version is the dash number at the end of the model number. Each model number has a different schematic. Model number Also known as Manufacture around VCDTS21348-1M and -2M Q71-1 and Q71-2 1997 VCDTS21467-3M and -4M Q71-3 amd Q71-4 1999 VCDTS21569-5M Q71-5 2000 VCDTS22355-6M Q71-6 2001 The Q71-3/-4 and the Q71-5 look alike externally and are electronically similar internally. The Q71-6 is completely different externally and internally from prior models. The schematic were saved in 2 color (b&w) TIFF format. 2 color TIFF compresses to a very small size. Even smaller than JPG. It is possible to put a lot of information is a very small file. Q71-6_scheme.TIF Entire schematic on one page Q71-6_UL.TIF Upper Left quarter of schematic Q71-6_UR.TIF Upper Right quarter of schematic Q71-6_LL.TIF Lower Left quarter of schematic Q71-6_LR.TIF Lower Right quarter of schematic Q71-6_block.TIF Block diagram of the monitor Q71-6_parts.RTF Parts list in Rich Text Format (RTF) Q71-6_misc.RTF Miscellaneous information about the Q71-6 in RTF format The four quarter images were designed to be printer on standard 8.5x11 paper in landscape mode. The four sections can be taped together to make a large paper schematic. 2004/08/15

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