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Now downloading free:IBM SH20-1922-0 VM CMS EXEC Language Extensions Jan77

IBM SH20-1922-0 VM CMS EXEC Language Extensions Jan77 free download

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Model:SH20-1922-0 VM CMS EXEC Language Extensions Jan77 🔎
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Descr: IBM 370 CMS SH20-1922-0_VM_CMS_EXEC_Language_Extensions_Jan77.pdf
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File name SH20-1922-0_VM_CMS_EXEC_Language_Extensions_Jan77.pdf

8H20-1922-0 Installed Virtual Machine /370 Conversational Monitor System (VM/CMS) User EXEC Language Extensions Program Program Description/Operations Manual Program Number: 5796-PJA This manual describes the functions of the processor. Formats and examples of the commands are included in the form of a user's guide. General system design and installation procedures are also specified. -.,- . ---- ---.-. '-~- --- - ---- -- --_ .. - - - ---- -----,,- PROGRAMMING SERVICES PERIOD During a specified number of months immediately following initial availability of each licensed program designated as the PROGRAMMING SERVICES PERIOD, the customer may submit documentation to a designated IBM location when he encounters a problem which his diagnosis indicates is caused by a licensed program error. During this period only, IBM through the program sponsor(s), will. without additional charge respond to an error in the current unaltered release of the licensed program by issuing known error correction information to the customer reporting the problem and/or issuing corrected or notice of availability of corrected code. However, IBM does not guarantee service results or represent or warrant that all errors will be corrected. Any onsite programming services or assistance will be provided at a charge. WARRANTY EACH LICENSED PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED ON AN "AS IS' BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. First Edition (January 1977) A form for readers' comments has been provided at the back of this publication. If this form has been removed, address comments to: IBM Corporation, BfO # 115, 101 North Shoreline Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401. Attention: Mr. Richard Brandle.

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