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Now downloading free:IBM C24-3267-0 4K RPG operProcd

IBM C24-3267-0 4K RPG operProcd free download

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File 1401/1460-28 Form C24-3267-0 Systems Reference Library Basic 4K Report Program Generator Operating Procedures IBM 1401 and 1460 Program 1401-RG-022 This publication, which contains operating procedures for IBM 1401 and 1460 Basic 4K RPG, should be used with the SRL publication Basic 4K Report Program Generator Specifications for IBM 1401 and 1460 (Form C24-3166). It contains these main sections: a description of the Basic 4K RPG deck, the control card, the input deck, operating instructions for generating as well as 'for running an object program, the edit listing, and halts and messages. For a list of related publications and abstracts, see the IBM 1401 and 1460 Bibliography (Form A24-1495). Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through II3M Branch Offices. Address comments concerning the content of this publication to II3M Product Publications, Endicott, New York 13764.

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