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Now downloading free:Keithley DASTCB LV

Keithley DASTCB LV free download

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How do I use the DAS-TC/B in LabVIEW? The DAS-TC/B can be used with the VIs for analog input for boards supported by DriverLINX. When using thermocouples and desiring that the reported measurements be in degrees of temperature, then the following must be done: Configure the thermocouple channels in the DriverLINX Configuration Panel. The screen capture below shows two channels configured for K type sensors and reporting the value in Fahrenheit. In LabVIEW, do not wire any values to the upper or lower limit terminals of the VIs. When not wired, a value of zero is provided to the DriverLINX driver, which will cause the board to be operated according to the settings in the DriverLINX Configuration Panel (above). If instead, you want to use the channels for voltage input, be sure to wire appropriate values to the upper and lower limits to control the gain used by the board. Since the DAS-TC/B is optimized for thermocouple measurements, its analog input ranges are not symmetrically bipolar. This requires special attention be paid to the value provided for the low limit. See the table below. Gain Upper Limit (volts) Lower Limit (volts) 1 10 -2.5 125 0.080 -0.02000 166.7 0.060 -0.01500 400 0.025 -0.00625 If you wire an upper limit of +10 and a lower limit of

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